During the 1995 animated classic, Toy Story, Woody the cowboy action figure says to Buzz Lightyear, the intergalactic space ranger superhero, “Buzz, you’re flying,” having already established that he was simply an action figure like himself. Buzz replies, “This isn’t flying. It’s falling with style.” Earlier in the movie, before they recognise they’ve got common goals, Woody uses this same phrase to ridicule Buzz’ assertion that he can actually fly.
Buzz says this with such strength; he’s both aware that he can’t fly yet he’s taking advantage of the opportunity to do just that, negotiating the flight as he goes.
‘Falling with style’ could be, for us, the act of doing something successfully we thought previously we couldn’t do. It’s the achievement of any stretch goal that might appear beforehand somewhat beyond us. This is why I love these animated classics--they can fire the imagination and inspire us to achieve. What are your goals:
To be a better husband or wife or father, mother, son or daughter?
To be a more loyal and effective employee?
To lose weight, get healthier or get toned?
To be more spiritual?
Whatever the goal is, and no matter how many times we’ve failed in reaching it in the past, today is significant in that today holds as a fresh and unique opportunity to reach one step closer to the realisation of the precious goal.
Falling with style is a way of getting there; when we don’t know how to fly but we have a perfect intent on our side. We can take heart from the Toy Story epic and achieve our dreams if we’re prepared to take some genuine risks relating to having that pinch of faith in ourselves. The Buzz Lightyear character also reminds us to accept the situations and realities with which we find ourselves, and to make the most of these.
Copyright © 2008, S. J. Wickham. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
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