Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Reflections On “Australian Idol 2008”

I love watching snippets of Australian Idol and other such shows that deal with truth. One of the things that I think these shows bring out is the vast amount of denial in people who get up and obviously can’t sing! My wife said to me, ‘Surely their friends need to be more honest with them before they enter something like this.’
What I see is the judges of the show scrutinising not only singing talent but also character. Has this person the character, the poise, the self-belief, and the integrity to go all the way and honour not only themselves, but the show. Can they prove inspiring on national television?
The judges make some tough calls along the way. They sit through their fair share of auditions-of-disbelief, where it defies explanation as to why some people entered in the first place. Some auditions get ugly; but some prove inspiring.
The best thing about Idol is it takes fame and fortune to the people. It gives everyone an equal chance based on merit. If someone has the talent and the character they never know if they might become the next Shannon Noll or Guy Sebastian. Now that’s a thought to ponder for anyone with starry eyes!
There aren’t many television shows I get into, and I don’t watch very much TV, but shows like this are engaging because they deal in truth. You see a raft of entrants rejected, but a number of hopefuls go on, and it’s not just the gorgeous ones. The talented ones who appear to be stayers and have character tend to go well.


  1. I agree. I find it rivetting to watch them being put through their paces. I read Guy saying once that Idol is really, really gruelling work and he's grateful for the experience.

    Mind you, sometimes (to me) by the end it turns out that the judges and viewers have chosen the wrong people and my interest drops off. But it's definitely fun viewing.

  2. where is the line between family and friends encouraging people to be the very best they can be at what they love doing, and over praising their ability and setting them up for rejection

    I think this is what happens with sad results for some very disappointed contestants

    and then there are contestants like Guy and Shannon who had modest expectations when they were dreaming BIG when they were competing in IDOL

    the rest is history and 5 years on they are still doing extremely well for themselves through hard work and determination

    that is all you can hope for the next batch of Idol alumni


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