Friday, August 8, 2008

2 Powerful, Resounding Words – “No” and “Now”

There are words, messages and language all about us. Some of it makes no difference to us whatever, yet other communication truly changes and impacts on our lives. We all fall into ruts in life. What we need in those times is not meaningless words and thoughts taking up cognitive space; we need meaning that will produce in us the change required to get us back on track. Words, thoughts, meaning.
There are two words that are very simple in meaning -- for this very reason their meaning is in power. “No” and “Now” are simply miraculous words.
We must say no at times, yet we don’t say it often enough. At times saying no means having the courage of convictions; at times it’s to exercise self-control. We only realise in regret later on, having said “yes,” we wish we could have had the foresight, conviction, or temerity to say no. Saying no means:
~ Acknowledging our weaknesses to temptations of a lack of self-control;
~ Saves the regret of betraying self (our values, ideals and beliefs); and,
~ We build upon our own empowerment -- we encourage ourselves to say it again, once more, later on.
“Now” on the other hand is just as powerful, and just as engaging. It is the perfect corrective to the bureaucracy of the generations. As humans we put off most things to tomorrow, whether it be procrastination, indecision, lack of courage etc.
Now is an important concept. Herein lies the secret simplistic power of the present. We’ve all seen it. Few people use the present to full advantage, yet the present lies captive to us, if only we’d challenge ourselves a little more. Consider “now” regarding the following:
~ The habit that plagues you -- besides healthy planning to stop, do it now;
~ Crush worry and indecision with “now,” and even if it’s not perfect, at least you’ve started; and,
~ Investing in “now” with people shows them you’re dinkum (committed) with them. Commitment and faithfulness are all too rare virtues these days.
The power of now cannot be underestimated. It’s a divine wisdom truth. Invest in “now” and you too will see what many successful people do all the time. “Now” is indeed a miraculous concept; even more miraculous is its simplicity.
Now, be warned. “No” and “Now” juxtapose. They’re not mutually exclusive. There are distinct times for “No” as there are distinct times for “Now.” Caution beckons us to consider closely the differences and the potential applications.
If we can consistently get the application right regarding these simple words, we’ll be living a vastly more wise and balanced life.
Copyright © 2008, S.J. Wickham. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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