Friday, June 6, 2008

Love or Power, Not Both

“I the captain of a Legion in Rome, have learnt and pondered this truth, that there are in life but two things, love and power, and no man can have both.”[1]
This inscription was found on a stone set up in North Africa, obviously in ancient times.
These two things, love and power, set themselves up in opposition to, and tension with each other and whoever might think they can strive for and achieve both will be sorely mistaken.
The prophet Nathan confronted David after his affair with Bathsheba. What happened there should be a lesson for all -- if you take what does not belong to you, you finish up losing what does. Power does this. Exercise your power the wrong way i.e. fail to love in the process, and you’ll end up with egg all over your face, or worse.
Choosing love over power goes against the tide of Western philosophy and culture. Everyone it seems is in some power game or other. If it’s not at work or in the home, it’s on a sports field -- so be it. Recognise however, how insidious the power struggle is, or you will die a thousand humiliating deaths -- deaths to relationships, to opportunities, to love, ultimately.
And we are discussing “love” from the broader concept of giving over receiving, or blessing rather than cursing; after all, love is far more applicable than simply romance or a feeling; it’s a verb. It’s how we relate with everything... people, animals, the culture we live in, the environment, the earth.
Power chosen, is the quick way to failure, whereas the choice to love is blessed. Go against the tide and choose to give and not take. Choose to retain what is yours. Don’t risk what is currently yours for something that never will be.
Copyright © 2008, Steven John Wickham. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
[1] M. Muggeridge, Chronicles of Wasted Time I: The Green Stick (New York, USA: W. Morrow & Co., 1973), p. 269 in P.E. Koptak’s, NIV Application Commentary – Proverbs (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2003), p. 177.

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