Saturday, May 24, 2008

Principle of Reversal – What Goes Around Comes Around

It’s astounding how so many people still do not realise this simple rule of relationships. It sums up all relationship rules and compresses them into one easy-to-remember quote that everyone should memorise and practise as much as possible -- at least those who wish to win over souls and live at peace with everyone.
The Golden Rule[1] is this: “Do to others what you would have them do to you...” In other words, it is living this question constantly: “What would I want done to me?” Here is a checklist of practical considerations.
On positive things you might do to others:-
1. Give to others without sparing -- this is a real faith tester;
2. Give things back to people you’ve borrowed from -- on time each time, and perhaps with a special ‘thank you’;
3. Save your speech for building another person up; and,
4. Resist laziness and greed by being diligent and prudent in your relationships -- you’ll attract this response in others.
On negative things you should not do to others:-
1. Don’t take more than your share of anything; truth is you don’t need it;
2. Don’t lie -- lies always have a negative relationship effect, damaging at least one, and usually more;
3. Don’t slander others or talk (or even think) ill of others. Become aware of how much you do it and then set a goal to stop doing it -- it won’t happen overnight but it will happen if you want it enough; and,
4. Don’t expect others to treat you better than you treat them. This is illogical thinking.
Think more in terms of: “What if what I’m thinking of /saying about/doing to another person, they were thinking of /saying about/doing to me?” Not a very pleasant thought is it?
You have the opportunity to create a world for yourself where blessings and honour are daily and routine things. The opposite is equally the case if you choose not to abide by the Golden Rule.
Be honest with yourself on this subject. It’s probably the single most important piece of relationship and living advice anyone can get and it makes so much sense -- what goes around indeed comes back around. It could be a smile or a slap in the face -- the choice is yours.
This is not new. It’s been around thousands of years already. Get in-tune with it.
Copyright © 2008, Steven John Wickham. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
[1] See Matthew 7:12.

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