Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bargaining "log aheads" and Choice

I bumped into a guy in an elevator the other day and asked him how he was going. 'Fine,' he replied, 'but it will be better when the there is no more ill feeling around the bargaining,' he concluded. These guys are locked into a dispute over pay and conditions.
It was like there was no choice to this thinking. I thought straight away of the better way of compartmentalising one's thinking; our base values never change. Why should the way we treat people be affected by what they're giving or not giving us?
I was thinking at the time on the right thing to say like, 'You don't have to feel that way toward the company or its Human Resources people.' But I must admit I couldn't get over this guy's submissive resignation that he didn't have a choice. I will be better prepared next time I hope.
Truth is we have so much choice regarding how we'll treat people. If we don't treat people well, the egg only lands on our faces ultimately. It's the law of truth. Besides, treating people with respect no matter what the circumstances are is such an empowering way to live. We can rise up beyond our carnal selves any time we wish.

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