Friday, April 11, 2008

One Life, Two Ways, You Choose

Driving past a church the other day I saw the sign “1 life, 2 ways, U choose” and it grabbed me; only a moment or two prior I was reflecting over something that I’d read that had a perfect fit with this slogan.
There’s a flow to life. It’s all about path. Be on the right path and eventually all will go well for you, you find the right job and perhaps a good partner and your way is primarily the way of blessing as you enjoy the good things of life; faith takes care of the rest.
Once we stray however, and we all stray a little, we eventually reap the reward of that behaviour; we get bad results.
The interesting thing with this “two ways” of life theory is we don’t often get what we deserve (either way) straight up. It’s often the case that weeks or months later we reap what we’ve sown. Relating this to what we could call the ‘good way’ (the right way) this means we need faith to ensure we don’t give up before we see good results for our efforts. Don’t give up!
Relating this to the ‘bad way’ means having in mind the potential consequences of the wrong way, but not only that, we also need to be focussing positively or we stand to become miserable in avoiding one behaviour just simply to live the right way.
Living the right way is the right and best thing to do. It takes effort, discipline, courage, and character, but we need to know we can do it. Everyone is capable of living the right way. The interesting thing is basically everyone (with very few exceptions) intuitively knows the right path and has a choice.
The key challenge of life is to get on the right path and stay there. Staying on the right path is infinitely harder than getting there! You have one life, and there are two ways to live -- you choose.
© Copyright 2008, Steven John Wickham. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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