Saturday, March 15, 2008

Worry is Madness

Worry is madness and haste is not living in the moment. It’s all so preventable, but we are so prone to it. We need quiet each day and we need to be happy in every moment; not blissfully happy, just “content” happy. We need to centralise our lives in our values, roles, and goals. This is one way to focus on the things we can influence positively.
Fear is behind worry. Haste is due to fear and it’s living in either the past or the future; certainly not the present. The purpose of fear is to teach us about ourselves – fear does not want to conquer us. We must meet fear head on. Fear presents us with opportunities to learn. We have to approach the cusp of fear and go over it. Only then will it disappear into oblivion. It no longer matters. We need to have the courage to find a strategy to release the fear.
We must defeat fear by accepting the strain of the situation. Oswald Chambers has said we’re hilarious when we’re crushed with difficulties because most of these situations are ludicrously impossible to anyone by God. When we’re bold and accept the difficulty and we’re prepared to overcome it we have mighty spiritual forces suddenly coming to our aid. Even though we are so predisposed to complain we must stop, jettisoning the typical excuses we so often weaken for. Accepting the tension and strain of the situation gleefully is the tonic to all difficulty.
One solution is living in the present moment. This is putting all or our energy into the moment, one-moment-at-a-time. We also need to be propelled in life by a purpose or a dream that gives us something to focus on that is positive; to counter the worrying thoughts that might otherwise cloud the mind. The mind is the key. We need to use the power of our minds to bring discipline, peace, and shape to our souls. We need to wary of the mind’s power to control our mental, emotional, and spiritual equilibriums. Poor self-talk and a loose mind will wreak havoc. As the Chinese proverb says, “Control your emotion or it will control you.”
Bad thinking might not bite you right now, but it will eventually have its consequences. Positive thinking is the same; think good thoughts and eventually you’ll attract the right sort of things, the things that are good that you want.
Don’t worry. Don’t fret. It only leads to negative consequences. It proves that you’re not living in the moment. You see, living in the present moment means you cannot worry effectively.
© Copyright 2008, Steven John Wickham. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Acknowledgement to Justin Langer’s, Seeing the Sunrise book; Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2008.

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