Tuesday, March 25, 2008

When it’s time to move on...

It’s important to know when to go, when the right time has come to say goodbye, perhaps to a person, to a group or people, an organisation, or a situation. Perhaps the season and time for this has come and you’re getting ‘itchy feet.’
I remember working with a gifted actress—she was in an accounts role—definitely not her “thing.” It’s not that she wasn’t very good at her job, and she was universally liked, but I always felt that this sort of thing wasn’t really for her. She successfully applied to complete the degree she’d started, that, by the way, was in a totally unrelated field to accounts.
I too remember a time working in an emergency service organisation (response team) and feeling the time was right to say goodbye and move on. The draw to be part of this team had waned; the interest level was not there anymore. I felt there was no more learning to be done in that environment.
Another time I felt the pull away in a different way. It was a situation where I felt no bond with the others in this particular team. I felt like the black sheep. I was on a different page compared with the others and therefore I no longer fitted. Circumstances ‘squeezed’ me out and I received that as gracefully as I could at the time.
In all these situations it takes courage to either take the leap or accept what’s coming or being forced upon us. It’s not easy, but change, at least in this way, brings something new and as they say, ‘as one door slams shut, another opens up.’ It can be an incredibly freeing experience to finally walk out of that door to a yet unknown future, with the faith that all will be okay.
© Copyright 2008, Steven John Wickham. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
[Addendum: this article had 278 reads on day one of approval on EzineArticles. What does that say?]

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