Sunday, March 30, 2008

Father of two teenagers

I'M BLESSED and there's no other way of seeing it from my view of things. I have three daughters and now two in their teens. These two older daughters have progressed through childhood. And now, whilst they are still children, and in some senses will always be (particularly my) "children," they're firmly positioned now as adolescents. Wow, that sounds scary! But, it is not... the journey continues and I love being friends with my children. Our relationships are enriched with age and time together.
Zoe's birthday brings with it an opportunity for reflection. I recall her birth. The umbilical cord around her neck five times. The fact that a C-Section birth probably saved her life. The fact that she struggled to thrive, and at six months was sent to Princess Margaret Hospital to find out why. The little girl who was always so happy and always had such a lovely grin. Amy's little sister loved to dance and made more than one solo appearance on dance stages in the area. The big sister for Rhiannon also; always there for her, and always full of kindness and generosity with everyone.
How could a father not be full of good pride on a day like this? I love it how God helps me to fall in love with my daughters afresh every day. If anyone is to be served by me, they get served first. They're not pampered. They're served for the future; their self-esteem is within my sphere of influence; their growth and development in emotional intelligence is my goal. For them to see the joy of life and to live the 'wise way' is my dream. One day I hope they make a great contribution to their own families and to God, in their own way.
Wow, God, how wonderful you are to have given (and trusted) ME (with) three such wonderful children; human beings each with a soul; entrusted to me to oversee their development; development balanced in grace and truth (which equal love - the greatest thing of all).

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