Thursday, December 27, 2007

Something More Significant Than Happiness

I GOT MY FIRST Blog "comment". This is what Paul has written in response to my article, "The Paradox of Happiness":
One way I think about this is that identity is more significant than happiness - more meaningful. Who we are, who we discover ourselves to be, gives peace even in the face of tremedous adversity where, if happiness were our goal, we'd be overcome.
Being new to art of Blogging I was blessed to find someone take the time to comment on something I had written, and especially someone from the other side of the world, and someone so qualified to comment.
Thanks Paul. You have caused me to reflect more; May God bless you this New Year coming!
Reflecting now, and there is something very profound yet paradoxically quite simple in what Paul's said. I'm going to let it marinate for a while...

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